Revealed at The Game Awards 2020 ceremony last December, Sea of Solitude: The Director’s Cut will be available on Nintendo Switch tomorrow, March 4th. The very personal work of Cornelia Geppert and her studio Jo-Mei has received unprecedented support from our teams. And this is a landmark for us, as Quantic Dream makes its debut as a “third party” video game publisher.
To accompany this launch, we’ve imagined an exclusive and free Twitch extension, called Bottle of Hope, developed in collaboration with Take This, a North-American non-profit organization decreasing stigma and increasing support for mental health in games. Available to all streamers, Bottle of Hope allows them to ignite thoughtful discussions based on 5 different themes, inspired by the human and personal adventure of Kay, the game’s heroine:
- Self-Acceptance – Awareness of your own strengths and weaknesses
- Resilience – Reclaiming inner peace after a trauma
- Mindfulness – The ability to be fully present
- Motivation – Positive thoughts that encourage action
- Compassion Understand others and feel for them
All of these 5 themes contain dozens of messages in a bottle – little secrets that are randomly sent to certain people present in the stream’s chat, each time the gauge of the Bottle of Hope app is full. And how does the gauge fill? Well, it’s super easy: just send positive messages and words through the chat! The more good vibes you share, the more you increase your chances of being sent a message in a bottle!
In order to celebrate Kay’s arrival on Nintendo Switch, we have also gathered awesome streamers from all around the world to dive into the water. Here’s the list of these lovely people to follow:
- Amelia Rose Blaire (US) – 05/03 11 PM CET / 2 PM PST – https://www.twitch.tv/dechartgames
- Mxiety /(US) – 06/03 6 AM CET / 6 PM PST – https://www.twitch.tv/mxiety
- WitchyTQ (US) Time TBC https://www.twitch.tv/WitchyTQ
- dayebraham_lincoln (US) Time TBC https://www.twitch.tv/Dayebraham_Lincoln
- Frankthepegasus (EN) 06/03 – 6 PM CET / 9 AM PST https://www.twitch.tv/frankthepegasus
- Toph (EN) 04/03 – TBD CET https://www.twitch.tv/toph
- PatStaresAt (EN) 05/03 – 9 PM CET / 12 PM PST https://www.twitch.tv/patstaresat
- PotasticP (EN) 7/3/2021 – Time TBC https://www.twitch.tv/potasticp/about
- mynthos (FR) 06/03 – 1 PM CET / 4 AM PST https://www.twitch.tv/mynthos
- Chat (FR) 05/03 – 5 PM CET / 8 AM PST https://www.twitch.tv/steelorse
- At0mium (FR) Time TBC https://www.twitch.tv/at0mium
- Superbrioche666 (FR) 04/03 – 2 PM CET / 5 AM PST https://www.twitch.tv/superbrioche
- Maghla (FR) 06/03 – 3 PM CET / 6 AM PST https://www.twitch.tv/maghla
- steelorse (FR) 04/03 – 8 PM CET / 11 AM PST https://www.twitch.tv/steelorse
- Nostal (FR) 04/03 – 3 PM CET / 6 AM PST https://www.twitch.tv/nostal
- Inzaynia (DE) 06/03 – Time TBC https://www.twitch.tv/inzaynia
- Bruugar (DE) 06/03 – 12 PM CET / 3 AM PST https://www.twitch.tv/bruugar
- m00sicianLP (DE) 05/03 – 6 PM CET / 9 AM PST https://www.twitch.tv/m00sician
And of course, this Thursday March 4th will also be the occasion to meet again on our own Twitch channel, for a new Quantic Stream: subscribe and activate the notifications so you don’t miss this event!